Paragog in Aini Zhafara’s Instagram Caption

Paragog in Aini Zhafara’s Instagram Caption



The present paper seeks Aini Zhafara’s caption on her instagram @ aini_zhafaratoktil based on psycholinguistics’s concept named paragoge. We found many word that was paragoged by Aini Zhafara on her instagram’s caption @aini_zhafaratoktil, i.e.: ‘kali’ became ‘kalii’, ‘you’ became ‘youhh’, ‘ya’ became ‘yahh’, ‘mase’ became ‘masehhh’, and ‘belah’ became ‘bellah’. Thus, Aini Zhafara was paragoged the word in the third word and in the end of word.

Keywords: Aini Zhafara, instagram, paragoge, psycholinguistics,

DOI: 10.31237/ [PDF]


A.    Introduction


Psycholinguistics is the study of the mental aspect of language and speech. It’s primarily concerned with the ways in which language is represented and processed in the brain. Psycholinguistics explores the relationship between the human mind and language. It treats the language user as an individual rather than a representative of society—but an individual whose linguistics performance is determined by the strengths and limitations of the mental apparatus which we all share.


Morphoponemic is the study of the relationship between morphology and phonology. Morphophonemics deals with the variation in the forms of morphemes because of phonetic factor. In the morphpnemics there is a type one of them is addition, addition have three type there are: prothesis, epenthesis, and paragoge.


In this research will be focused on the paragoge. Paragoge is one of typological name that often occurs in linguistics. Paragoge is part of addition or insertion that is included in morphophonemics which is also relates to psycholinguistics. The word comes from Greek para, which means beyond, and goge, which means carrying. This term is generally applied to various kinds of vowel or consonant additions that are not true suffixes, but generally decorative additions meant to add emphasis, but that do not change the common meaning of the word.


Based on the brief explanation above, we would like to seek Aini Zhafara’s caption on her instagram @aini_zhafaratoktil based on paragoge. Our research questions is: “What kind of changes or additional of vowel structure and consonant on error writing on Aini Zhafara’s caption on her instagram @aini_zhafaratoktil?”


B.     Method


To analyze Aini Zhafara’s caption on her instagram @aini_zhafaratoktil based on paragoge, we need text and image data. Thus, in this work we use a descriptive qualitative research. Data taken from Aini Zhafara’s caption on her instagram @aini_zhafaratoktil.


C.    Result and Discussion


We found any writing errors Aini Zhafara’s caption on her instagram @aini_zhafaratoktil, which connected with paragoge because she was added of vowel structure and consonant on error writing, as we describe below:


1)      kalii

In sample 1 the data was taken on @aini_zhafaratoktil’s status posting on February 26, 2022. In a word ‘kali’ is written to ‘kalii’, the word ‘sekali’ consist of four characters, they are k-a-l-i than Aini Zhafara was written ‘kalii’, she was paragoged the word ‘kali’ by vowel ‘i’ in the end of the word became ‘kalii’ and it changed CV sequnce CVCVCV became CVCVV sequence of ‘kalii’.


2)      youhh

In sample 2 the data was taken on @aini_zhafaratoktil’s status posting on February 20, 2022. In a word ‘you’ is written to ‘youhh’, the word ‘you’ consist of three characters, they are y-o-u than Aini Zhafara was written ‘youhh’, she was paragoged the word ‘you’ by consonant ‘hh’ in the end of the word became ‘youhh’ and it changed CVV sequence became CVVCC sequence of ‘youhh’.


3)      yahh

In sample 3 the data was taken on @aini_zhafaratoktil’s status posting on February 11, 2022. In a word ‘ya’ is written to ‘yahh’, the word ‘ya’ consist of two characters, they are y-a than Aini Zhafara was written ‘yahh’, she was paragoged the word ‘ya’ by consonant ‘hh’ in the end of the word became ‘yahh’ and it changed CV sequence became CVCC sequence of ‘yahh’.



4)      masehhh

In sample 4 the data was taken on @aini_zhafaratoktil’s status posting on February 7, 2022. In a word ‘mase’ is written to ‘masehhh’, the word ‘mase’ consist of four characters, they are m-a-s-e than Aini Zhafara was written ‘masehhh’, she was paragoged the word ‘mase’ by consonant ‘hhh’ in the end of the word became ‘yahh’ and it changed CVCV sequence became CVCVCCC sequence of ‘masehhh’.


5)      bellah

In sample 5 the data was taken on @aini_zhafaratoktil’s statues posting on December 10, 2021. In a word ‘belah’ is written to ‘bellah’, the word ‘belah’ consist of five characters, they are b-e-l-a-h than Aini Zhafara was written ‘bellah’, she was paragoged the word ‘belah’ by consonant ‘l’ in the third word became ‘belah’ and it changed CVCVC sequence became CVCCVC sequence of ‘bellah’.


D.    Conclusion


We found many word that was paragoged by Aini Zhafara on her instagram’s caption @aini_zhafaratoktil, i.e.: ‘kali’ became ‘kalii’, ‘you’ became ‘youhh’, ‘ya’ became ‘yahh’, ‘mase’ became ‘masehhh’, and ‘belah’ became ‘bellah’. Thus, Aini Zhafara was paragoged the word in the third word and in the end of word.